Saturday, June 30, 2007

what is islamofascism?

what is islamofascism?

Top Hamas official: Kill all Americans

take a look on those masters of the world

take a look on how Palestinian Religious Leader saying that Muslims Will Kill All The Jews

this is my favorite :

ISLAM (SUBMISSION) on the Internet The Reward to kill an American

acording to this The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks "using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require."

honest Muslims and there are many of the see the danger : read a brilliant article by By Aslam Abdullah, September 12, 2006 who addressed to fascist on behalf of American Muslims : “Kill Us, Too: We Are Also Americans”

read this piece of poetry :

you are wrong if you think that in islam is evil for killing unbelievers. muslims have every right to kill so called “innocent” americans and others. If you dont believe in Islam you do not have a right to live. so believe with us or we will kill you whenever and however we can.
islam is the future

you stupid christians and jews and others we will kill you because you refuse to turn your kaafir states into islamic ones holding onto the truth of Allah!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wake up Elisabeth!!!

Coulter is a voter and your husband is going to be a president. Coulter is definitely not your constituency but it gives you no right to use Chris Mathews’s ambush to shut up your opponent. This is not Venezuela and not Russia. Wake up Elisabeth, this is the USA and this is the election time. You came into running voluntarily so stop complaining. Are you trying to cry your way to the White House? If so, Coulter is right. If not. then shut up and at least pretend that you are serious about this campaign.

Me personally I think that “idea” of two Americas is a hate speech when poor are learning how to hate rich and one America is set against another America for the sake of getting the power for Edwards

Coulter is a private person who has no obligations whatsoever to be polite . It may be wrong what she is saying but it is many times more wrong to shut her up by would be first lady. Coulter has rights to say what she said . Period. You do not like it? Deal with that or quit your campaign , but do not lecture a voter on how to react to your candidacy.

I knew that Chris Mathews is a very narrow minded sleazy partisan demagogue. But what he did is beneath even this guy. To invite Coulter to unleash Elisabeth Edwards waiting on a side? Besides that is it ridiculous, it is unethical. Unlike Coulter who as a private person is not limited by any rules other than constitution, this guy consider himself a professional political journalist. To pull stunt like that shows him for who he is indeed- a partisan clown

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Who are Palestinians???

Who can define who are Palestinians

Palestinians in Lebanon who are fighting the Lebanon army?

Palestinians of Hamas who dedicated to kill Jews?

Palestinians of The West Bank?

Who … we are not sure who they are . yesterday they were terrorists , today they are victims of terrorism of Hams . Who are they tomorrow?

The Fatah terrorists are actually more dangerous, because they have learned to lie - not very convincingly, I admit - about their genocidal intentions for Israel.